Q1: Tell us a little bit about who you are.
Alexis is 12 years old and was born with a below elbow right hand amputation. She believes that she can do anything that she sets her mind to.
Q2: How do you feel about your body and what do you have trouble with?
She is comfortable with who she is and doesn’t think a lot about her arm. She has trouble putting her hair in a ponytail (but that’s what Moms are for, right?!). Other than that, she can do just about anything. She is a great soccer player (we’ve included a couple of photos of Alexis in action).
Q3: Do you use prosthetics?
Alexis doesn’t wear a prosthetic because it was uncomfortable and got in the way. She would consider using a myoelectric prosthetic. But she didn’t like using a passive prosthetic because it didn’t look real enough.
Q4: How do you feel about making friends?
She has lots of friends and thinks that people like her for who she is.
Q5: Do you have any suggestions for us to share?
“You should be happy with who you are and never quit.”